Monday, September 13, 2010

Learning Style

I strongly align with a visual and global learner.

I am both an active and reflective learner, as well as a sensing and intuitive learner.

This is in line with my previous understanding of how I learn. In my undergraduate education, I found it difficult to understand concepts that were not first described in a larger context, and visually depicted.

As a teacher, I am conscience of different learning styles and attempt to incorporate, verbal, visual context as well as activities that help describe a concept. For instance, in a recent class on earthquake zones, I used an activity to show how landforms move in relation to each other by having the students move in two rows as if they were the landforms. I also verbally described how this occurred and demonstrated with my hands. Also, in order to incorporate all learners I could have allowed time for a reflective learner to understand the concept by offering the "one minute paper."